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Operation Bikini

Carmen pulls an amazing disappearing act

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When you’re somewhat of a newbie Tacoman like me, getting to know this city can often be a dangerous adventure.

But unlike what my ill-informed 206 friends think, I’m not referring to misperceptions that people have about our streets being filled with violence and crime.

I think Tacoma is hazardous because it’s making me fat.

I’ve enjoyed getting to know this city with all of its libations and edible fancies, but it’s showing on my waistline and the junk in my trunk.

I’m a curvy girl as it is, and even though Tacoma is known for it, I really don’t need to be packin’ heat.

I’ve also become so busy lately that I haven’t had much time and energy for getting to the gym.

However, if you know anything about me, you know that I’m a woman who’s filled with endless amounts of determination.

With that, I’ve decided to take these fatty matters into my own hands.

I recently cleaned out my two-car garage, and in half of it, you’ll now find a sweet gym that has everything I need.

I threw down some shock-absorbing gym flooring and a TV/DVD for my fitness videos, bought an awesome Parabody home gym for cheap from Craigslist, purchased must-haves like jump ropes, elastic bands, a step and risers, a stretching mat and an exercise ball, and sunk my debit card into Power Block dumbbells that I now love. I was stoked to find vanity mirrors at Home Depot that are tall enough for me. I’m also keeping my eyes out for a recumbent bike and an elliptical or a treadmill, and I’ll be done with the gym.

Please don’t think for a second, though, that all of this time and investment will go to waste.

I’m no dummy when it comes to exercise and staying committed to it. I spent seven years of my happy life as a fitness instructor specializing in step aerobics, kickboxing, strength training, ski conditioning and yoga.

In addition, my father was once a professional body builder, which is why I have immense innate strength and the ability to create such sculpted definition with my body.

I’ve been working out in my little gym for three weeks now, while eating properly (I know those rules, too), and I’m loving it.

I’m calling this endeavor Operation Bikini. Eventually, I’m going to add a hot tub to my back yard, and everyone knows that you’ve got to be too hot for the hot tub!

So please don’t be alarmed as you watch me shed weight and pull off this amazing disappearing act. I know how to do it the healthy way.

Just give me some time, and I’ll invite you to the gun show, and one other thing’s for damn sure:

I’m bringin’ sexy back. YAH!

Weight training weekend

Over the weekend, I got my sweat on with Kari Anderson’s (the BEST fitness instructor in the world) “Push,” an hour-long step and hi-lo challenge, then I worked those major muscle groups in my legs between the quads, hammies, glutes and calves. Yes! I love the subtle feeling of soreness the next morning that let’s you know you’re alive.

Outside of that, I rewarded myself by spending time with K-Love and Nate Dog at Asado Friday. Then Saturday, I caught a cocktail at Doyle’s where I kicked it with Little Leah, The Husky, two Jens and an Owen.

Sunday I took in the Hawks game with Hazel 8 at the West End. She just got back from an amazing trip to Europe, and her pictures were incredible. Jacinda, Cob, J-Rod, Costa Rica Ryan and Rose also showed up, and we, the girls, had such a good time talking about everything from poop (poop is SO funny) to horror films.

After, I popped (not pooped) into Cans, which was opened on a Sunday for Bishop and Donnie’s birthday party and Donnie’s going-away party. There I got to chill with Sara and Karnen. Donnie is returning to his native Oahu, and I’ll miss him so dearly, but as he put it, that’ll be all the more reason to visit.

Ahhh, yes, Operation Bikini!

I’m Carmen, your new chameleon.  Drop me your favorite parties at

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