Every week we swap out the Served banner art above, introducing you to the people who serve food and drinks in the South Sound. This week, meet Devon Fankhauser.
Server Banner Boy, Aug. 25-31, 2014
Devon Fankhauser
Devon Fankhauser has been pouring wine and delivering gourmet mac and cheese and toasted cheese sandwiches to STINK Tank customers for just about a year. Before serving at the Tacoma triangle District wine bar, Fankhauser was part of the crew at Gayle Orth Catering. An offshoot of STINK - Cheese and Meet deli next door, the STINK Tank, a word play off "think tank," Fankhauser delivers pours without interrupting conversations. He knows people are changing the world over glasses of wine and specialty beers.
Why do you serve?
"I enjoy serving because I am a very social person. I love interacting with the public and I enjoy what I do??."
Who is your favorite server in the South Sound?
"This is a tough question. ... I think I would have to pick Wendell from Hilltop Kitchen. He is always nice and approachable and he makes fabulous cocktails."
What are you most proud to serve?
"I sometimes get childishly excited about a particular wine. If I love it and share with folks who also love it, and that makes me happy."
What's your current drink of choice?
"What I drink is so situational; it depends on what I'm doing, if and what I am eating, what time of the day it is, etc. I guess because it is still summer and so warm out, I love a good Rosé. It's the perfect afternoon wine for a hot summer day. I can't imagine a picnic without a good Rosé, they just go hand in hand."
Favorite movie?
"Hmm ... I would probably have to say Amélie. It's such a colorful and beautiful film. I also really like Good Bye, Lenin."
What don't you serve?
"Over-the-top, unwarranted friendliness. If we strike up a conversation that wonderful, but if we don't that's OK, too. I like service that is to the point without a lot of unnecessary chatter."
What's on your radar at STINK?
"I love any of the weekly specials. They are things that are not on the menu so you can't get them all of the time."
LINK: Meet other South Sound servers
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