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I’m voting this year

It’s too important not to vote

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As one who comes to you with so many suggestions and opinions each and every Thursday, you might be surprised to learn the following about me (and it will likely upset several of you):

I’ve never voted.


Throughout my entire life, I’ve contended that voting most certainly matters at the local level, but the Electoral College determines who our president will be, regardless of the popular vote (note the 2000 presidential race, and how we lost Al Gore).

I certainly understand the economic and political reform that took place during the women’s suffrage movement, and how I should feel fortunate to vote, but I’ve been deeply troubled by our various levels of government and elected leaders, and the citizens’ general lack of awareness about how our government works and what these candidates or elected officials believe in or are up to.

But here and now, I’m seeing all of these things in a much different way.

This will be, without a doubt, one of the most important presidential elections that we’ll ever see.

And that’s why I’ve pulled myself out of the bellows of skepticism and doubts cast upon representative government and an often apathetic populous.

Yes indeed, on Nov. 4, I’m going to vote for my very first time. And I truly hope that you will, too.

So many people have been asking me about who I’m going to vote for, which still feels strange because I was raised in a family that didn’t share this information because my parents believed that voting was a very personal matter.


Voting has become such a public matter, which is why I’m going to throw myself out on a limb and tell you about some of the candidates that I’ll be voting for on Nov. 4.

I’m not asking any of you to agree with me. I’m just begging you to cast your very own vote in this all-important election.

President: We must have Barack Obama.

Governor: We need Chris Gregoire.

Pierce County Executive: We deserve Pat McCarthy.

City of Tacoma Proposition 1 (on term limits for City Councilmembers): That’s simple: Hell no!

So, dear readers, I hope you won’t be too disappointed with my lack of participation up until this point, especially because I promise each and every one of you that from now until the day that I die, I will continue to fulfill this critical civic duty and privilege.

On Nov. 4, or by absentee ballot, I really hope that you will vote, too.

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