Northwest Military Blogs: Town Hall Tourist

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April 9, 2013 at 4:07pm

City of Tacoma recognized for its work to preserve the Murray Morgan Bridge

MURRAY MORGAN BRIDGE: It reopened Friday, Feb. 1, 2013. Photo credit: Pappi Swarner

The Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation - or its more popular name DAHP - adores people or organizations that like old things. Every year DAHP recognizes persons, organizations and projects that have achieved distinction in the field of historic preservation. DAHP calls the award the State Historic Preservation Officer's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Historic Preservation - and the city of Tacoma nabbed one this year for its work rehabilitation of the Murray Morgan Bridge.

Let's read the press release:


Filed under: History, Tacoma, News,

March 1, 2013 at 1:01pm

Division Avenue: City of Destiny still adheres to arbitrary divisions

Tacoma likes to believe that in the last 20 years it has grown more socially tolerant. The economic downturn has blended many communities in financial equality. The city's numerous festivals have started to resemble a certain 1971 Coco-Cola commercial. And much of the intermediate neighborhoods of the New Tacoma and Central districts have seen astounding renaissance.

Regardless of all our forward thinking, we the citizens of Tacoma, still live with a striking symbol of our disunions. Along the Division Avenue line separates north from south, new from old, affluent from disenfranchised. The image and idea of the divide has grown so much a part of the city we live in that we just accept it.

Mayor Marilyn Strickland describes her experience in realizing the divide. "The first time I traveled north of Division was when my first-grade teacher took me to the Shrine Circus with her family at UPS. After that, a volleyball match against Truman when I was at Gray Jr. High. As a kid, I wasn't aware of social class.  As a teenager, I had friends who went to Wilson and Bellarmine. Visiting some of their homes made me aware of socio-economic differences. We had a nice yard, a picket fence and a garden. They had huge homes with views of the water and large outdoor patios."

The issues involved in socio-economic are not new to our city. For over a hundred years a symbol of our city's disjointed social issues runs the mile stretch that is Division Avenue. This article is about how the people, the real estate market and local government have contributed to this divide.

Read the rest of my findings in the Weekly Volcano's Mudroom section.

About this blog

Town Hall Tourist is about politics, policy and greater Tacoma.

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