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Tacoma Beer Society

Q&A with co-founder Steph DeRosa

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The Tacoma Beer Society will once again invade Tacoma with its beer-centric activities Saturday, Oct. 20, at Paddy Coyne’s in downtown Tacoma.  Brad Allen caught up with TBS co-founder Steph DeRosa before the event.  He will never be the same.

WEEKLY VOLCANO: How long has the Tacoma Beer Society been in existence? 

STEPH DEROSA: There was that one night when Melissa and I sat out drunk on my deck, talking philosophy.  I showed her my tits and she said we should start a Tacoma Beer Society.

So yeah, I\'d say about 6 months.

VOLCANO: What was the first beer you ever drank? 

DEROSA: Bud Light.  I grew up in Texas.  That\'s all I must say about that.

VOLCANO: What is the best beer?

DEROSA: You embarrass me with this type of question, Brad.  It\'s not what the "best beer" is...but what TYPE is the best.  I personally prefer IPAs and porters.   But if I were to go to Safeway and pick one out, I\'d pick a Black Butte Porter. Not that I do that ... regularly ... or... anything. …

VOLCANO: What is the best KISS song?

DEROSA: “Beth.” Yes, “BETH.”  Shut up. I\'m a chick, what can I say?  Now if you were to ask me what\'s the best song to KISS too I\'d have to say "Fade Into You" by Mazzy Star.

VOLCANO: What beer are you embarrassed to admit that you like?

DEROSA: Dude, I think you should know me better than that.  Short of showing up to your house naked on accident, I\'m not easily embarrassed.  BUT, since you\'re buying me lunch at the Harvester in return for answering these questions, I\'ll answer it this way:

The worst beers that I have to admit having no problem drinking at the time were:

1.) Miller High Life at a Dockyard Derby Dames bout in August.

2.) Coors (yes, just plain COORS in the beige can) in the parking lot of a Dave Matthews Band concert in Phoenix.  This was as recent as Sept. 25, mind you.

3.) I have no number 3.

VOLCANO: Have you ever been in a keg toss competition? 

DEROSA: Eat me.

VOLCANO: What’s in your purse?

DEROSA: A gun.  What the fuck kind of question is that?

VOLCANO: When was the last time you stole something?

DEROSA: Besides the time I stole Jimmy Montana\'s heterosexuality in 1985, and Brad Allen\'s virginity in the ninth grade, I\'d have to say every day I steal many a Tacoma man\'s heart simply by looking my best, and catching their eye.

Oh, whom am I kidding?  I stole a watch from the store where I worked in 10th grade.

VOLCANO: When was the last time you got into a fight?

DEROSA: HA! You little shit.

I tried to start a fight with a punk ass kid from Stadium High School the other day.  I was walking by in my yoga shorts and a fleece jacket.  Self admittedly I looked quite the fool as it was a bit cold outside. (I was going to "hot yoga," for the record.)  But this boy started heckling me, making fun of my ass and such.  I backtracked and got all up in his face, gangster style.  I had the head bob going and everything. I wanted to start a fight, and stick up for all women in yoga shorts.  I followed him and started to heckle them back, making fun of their baggy pants.  And honestly, I think he would\'ve felt more threatened if it weren\'t for my pigtails and designer workout wear.

Needless to say, they thought I was crazy.  They ran fast and far, calling me names as they tried to keep their pants up in mid-run.  I informed them that in fact one day they would be cleaning my pool and mowing my lawn.  Not that I actually have a pool but you get the idea.

VOLCANO: Have you ever been arrested?

DEROSA: Twice.  Once in high school because I had an unpaid ticket for expired tags on my 1986 Buick Regal.  (booooooring)  But the other time I was arrested for resisting arrest and disorderly conduct on the beach of Biloxi, Miss.  They had a tiny jail cell like Mayberry.  The key was hung on a ring and hooked to the wall and everything.  I felt I should tie up some belts “Brady Bunch” style and break free.  But I didn\'t.  

VOLACNO: What superpower would you like to have?

DEROSA: I actually do have a super power.  I have the remarkable ability to take off all my clothes and immediately put them back on every time a man blinks.  I do it every time, too.  Just that no one ever sees it because I am simply. that. quick.

VOLCANO: Do you have a favorite celebrity encounter?

DEROSA: Oh, Brad.  I love it when you give me the opportunity to brag.

My most recent celebrity encounter was getting "intoxicated" with Robert Randolph and the Family Band.  It was this past Labor Day weekend at the Gorge.  We went to their bus after the DMB show, partook in some "intoxicating" activities, then they took us to a party that was basically on the fucking stage of the Gorge Amphitheatre.  True Story.

VOLCANO: What are your turn-ons?

DEROSA: Amateur Porn, nice guys, baseball caps, a sense of humor, and diamonds.  These are most intensified when I\'m drunk.

VOLCANO: What are your turnoffs?

DEROSA: Conceited people. Men AND women.  I won\'t even be your friend if you are self absorbed or snobby in the least.  No one is better than anyone else.

VOLCANO: What is planned for Saturday’s Tacoma Beer Society function at Paddy 

DEROSA: We named it Bagpipes, Beer and Debauchery because it just sounded cool.  In reality we have no bagpipes, and there will probably only be debauchery if Suzy Stump shows up.  She\'s such a whore.  But we have beer! And lots of it!

We have a huge list of giveaways for a raffle.  Biggest list we\'ve ever had!  We will give away restaurant gift certificates, a massage (Thank you Turning Point), six packs of beer, and many MANY T-shirts.

Basically our plan is to get everyone stupid drunk and roll them out in the parking lot.  Bring lots of cash.

VOLCANO: If you still want to attend the Tacoma Beer Society events after this interview (I don’t) then show up at Paddy Coyne’s at 8 p.m.

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