No, I'm not on Harmon Brewing Co.'s payroll. The Tacoma brewery is making news left and right.
I reported its Harmon Tap Room is integrating with its neighboring Hub restaurant.
Then, I mention the Harmon Brewery & Eatery was part of the Tacoma Brewery Walk.
Yesterday, I announced Harmon has, once again, teamed up with the Tacoma Art Museum on a new beer.
Well, Harmon is freakin' in the news, again.
As part of Seattle Beer Week, the Beveridge Place Pub held its annual Iron Brewer Competition May 11. Like television's Iron Chef, brewers are challenged to create something tasty using a set group of ingredients. Then, the resulting beers go head-to-head in a blind tasting.
Yes, Harmon won. In fact, it's Harmon's second Iron Brewer Competition win.
"We won our first championship last November by beating Odin Brewing who was a two-time champion at the time. We won that round with rosemary and yams combined with our Steep and Deep Winter Ale," says Harmon Brewing Co. co-owner Pat Nagle via email.
Sunday, Harmon grabbed the Iron Brewer first place award with required ingredients sloe berries and savory spice.
"We ordered the sloe berries from Lithuania and Poland; the savory spice was sourced locally in Tacoma," explains Nagle. "We made a tea with the sloe berries and summer savory and then blended that in with our Mt. Takhoma Blonde creating the Mi Slo Savory Blonde. This combination proved to be the winning one besting Triple Horn Brewing of Woodinville for the win."
Congratulations Harmon.
>>> Jesse Holder, director of Harmon’s brewery operations, poses with the Beveridge Place Pub crew. Courtesy photo