Thursday, May 16: Westerns chat with Robert Horton

Olympia Timberland Library

By Ron Swarner on May 11, 2013

Appropriate. One meaning, multiple nuances. Uno: It is not appropriate to use outside voices inside. Dos: It is very appropriate to yell "Yeehaw!" every time you agree with film reviewer Robert Horton at the Olympia Timberland Library. Horton will pull up a bale of hay Thursday and explain how the Western movie was America's bedrock mythology for the first 70s years of film history, but during the hippie era the genre the "revisionist" Western took up a fiercely critical argument with the past: In the disillusioned age of the counterculture and Vietnam, you could no longer distinguish heroes from villains by the color of their hats. Horton thinks because of the dramatic changes seen in Westerns, the genre forces us to look critically at our own myths: Why do we need the clarity of "good guys" and "bad guys" at certain times? Why do we sometimes embrace a more ambiguous view of human nature? How do these movies challenge us - and what happens when a movie forces us to question our long-cherished beliefs? Will Horton hear from you?

THE END OF THE TRAIL WITH ROBERT HORTON, 7:30 p.m., Olympia Timberland Library, 313 Eighth Ave., Olympia, free, 360.352.0595