I kissed a lot last night.
My wife, Kate, and I fell in love while listening to hours and hours of Jeff Buckley songs. In the '90s, Kate saw Buckley perform at the old Backstage venue in the Seattle's Ballard neighborhood. To this day, that Buckley show, which was on his birthday, remains her all-time favorite concert.
Back to the kissing - last night The New Frontier Lounge hosted a Jeff Buckley tribute show. Besides performing in their Jeff Buckley pop-up band Wait In The Fire, producers Najamonique Todd and Del Brown asked Alex Tapia of RowHouse, Kurt Lindsay of BODYBOX and Not From Brooklyn to perform songs from Buckley's small catalog of songs. Todd and Brown couldn't have picked better bands. All musicans performed with passion, as well as showed admiration for each other. The music was so glorious we practically made out.
Highlights included Tapia's "Lilac Wine," Lindsay's "Grace" and "Everybody Here Wants You" and Not From Brooklyn's "So Real," which I caught on video.
The night was Todd and Brown's second Sound Icons show. Can't wait for part three.