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Trivia Night at The Swiss (14 Photos)

Trivia nights in waterholes around the 253 are fairly commonplace. Attendance levels are made and broken by what the host brings to the experience. Some game hosts spend hours on collecting the questions in efforts to stump the pint-chugging experts. Others mix it up a bit. Question-maker and Oddio Puget Sound founder Aaron Whitfeldt does a bit of both and adds his own twist by tossing in a bit of audience participation in the process. He holds court at the Trivia Nights at the Swiss Pub on Tuesday nights.

The losing team at the end of the night gets to pick one of the categories for one of the rounds the following week. Whitfeldt also has an identify the "celebrity" photo round that is a further twist on the trivia landscape.

Players pay $2 each and can form teams of up to seven people. The winning team splits the pot at the end of the night, while a handful of month-long "championship tournaments" dot the calendar as well just to keep thing interesting.

Trivia Night #6

Trivia Night #6 - Photo by Steve Dunkelberger

Photo by Steve Dunkelberger

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