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Karaoke at Bob's Java Jive (20 Photos)

Remember back in the day when you were in your first apartment and spent a memorable Saturday night with your friends just blaring the record player and singing along to random selections from your album collection? Toss in a pitcher of PBR and extreme lighting and that is karaoke at Bob's Java Jive. Sunday through Tuesday nights has Nikki Weatherhead on the mic. The spunky Tacoman never seems to lake energy or a smile even if the sign up sheet is less than full. Monday, Jan. 7 brought Tacoma filmmaker and all around hipster G.W. Welsh to the mic to celebrate his birthday. It was a good time. Photography by Steve Dunkelberger

Nikki Weatherhead Karaoke at Bob's Java Jive Tacoma

Nikki Weatherhead Karaoke at Bob's Java Jive Tacoma - Photography by Steve Dunkelberger

Photography by Steve Dunkelberger

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