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Fab-5 AFTERLIFE (35 Photos)

The afternoon of Sunday, Sept. 1 in Tacoma's 21st Street Park, Fab-5 celebrated the culmination of L.I.F.E.'s summer program with AFTERLIFE, an event featuring a 2x2 breakdance competition, live painting graffiti fleet, food and happy smiles. Fab-5's Chris Jordan had the crowd laughing with spontaneous dancing and rapping, as DJs Sav1, DigOne and others keep the groove going until 8 p.m. After several hours of breaking, the two crews in the final were members of F2D (Fresh Descendants) and Massive Movement. Each member danced three rounds and at the end, F2D took home the title. - Pappi Swarner

Fab-5 AFTERLIFE drummer

Fab-5 AFTERLIFE drummer
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