Yet another looza

Alpacapalooza rides into the Puyallup Fairgrounds

By Ron Swarner on April 2, 2009

When Perry Farrell christened his groundbreaking alternative rock tour Lollapalooza in 1991, did he have any idea the word would someday be appropriated for everything from a parenting book written by John Lithgow to the Temple Beth Hatfiloh’s Blintzapalooza celebration of the humble blintz?  Then again, perhaps the artist formerly known as Perry Bernstein might be pleased that Alpaca owners have paid homage to “palooza” with an annual event centered around their beloved pets — Alpacapalooza. It’s all about the Alpaca with a photo contest, handcrafters’ spin-off, fiber arts contest, exhibits and more. 

Can I get a Brisketpalooza 2005, anyone?

[Puyallup Fairgrounds, Saturday, April 4 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, April 5 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., free, Ninth and Meridian, Puyallup, 360.420.7130]