Puget Sound Flea Market

Sixty vendor booths!

By Ron Swarner on March 19, 2009

You spend hours wandering around consignment stores, yard sales, and nothing. Break the cycle. Rethink your thought process. Antiques — The older they are the better. And, unlike the average retail giant’s merchandise, you can sometimes get a deal. So come check out the Annual Puget Sound Flea Market and peruse 60 vendor booths of previously owned and “family friendly” (oh, thank heavens) antiques and collectibles. It’s the University of Puget Sound Women’s League’s 39th flea market to fund student scholarships.  A silent auction runs throughout the day.  Not so silent?  You when you happen across a SKU: 500-DB-Lighted, aka the Batphone! 

[University of Puget Sound Memorial Fieldhouse, Saturday, March 22, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., $1, North 11th and Union, Tacoma, 253.383.4035]