Capitol Steps

The Capitol Steps stomp on political folly.

By Ron Swarner on February 26, 2009

You glower at your Republican neighbors over the fence. You’ve considered tampering with their satellite dishes to prevent them from receiving the Fox News Channel. You invite all of your most obnoxious Green Party friends over on Election Day night for a party in your front yard. As much fun as all of this is, well, it’s quite immature. Shame on you. Make nice and buy some tickets to the Capitol Steps and invite your neighbors. The Capitol Steps are famous for their ability to make pop songs into satire.

See this if: You enjoy “putting the mock in democracy” (heh, heh), and love seeing both the left and right wing get zinged with equal aplomb.

Skip this if: You don’t want someone messing with your Obamafied good vibes.

[Washington Center, Friday, Feb. 27, $17.75-$39.50, 512 Washington St. S.E., Olympia, 360.753.8586]