Academy Awards Party

Fundraiser for The Grand Cinema

By Ron Swarner on February 19, 2009

Besides broadcasting the event, The Grand Cinema will have Oscar ballots for prizes Sunday during their Academy Awards Party at the Rialto Theater. Finally, something positive about the Academy Awards. I typically watch the ceremony now to amuse myself with how wonderfully predictable the Academy is — and also to see what ridiculous thing Jennifer Lopez will wear this year, or what stupid thing Steven Seagal will do. (I’ve always thought an “Exit Wound” was that numb feeling in your butt after leaving a Seagal movie.) The party will include an auction, food, cash bar and the Oscars on a giant screen. See it if: You like a $100 gift certificate for El Gaucho if you win the ballot drawing. Skip it if: Seeing a cutaway shot of Steven Seagal, brooding in the back corner of the upper mezzanine, eating a box of JuJuBees and trying to see over Carrot Top’s hair makes you sad.

[Rialto Theater, Sunday, Feb. 22, 5 p.m., $14-$17, 310 S. Ninth, Tacoma, 253.572.6062]