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The Degrees reunite

Former Tacoma indie rock band back together for a benefit Saturday

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Bobble Tiki is nothing if not a sucker for a good cause. Maybe it’s the secret, unexplainable guilt that fills Bobble Tiki’s soul, or maybe he’s just a really decent guy after all. Who knows? The only thing that’s certain is — if there’s a good cause worth supporting in the Tacoma music scene, Bobble Tiki will more than likely give it some love in print here in the Weekly Volcano.

This week a great show and a great cause come together, which makes Bobble Tiki’s life easy. Deciding which show to cover this week was a cakewalk — as they say, though Bobble Tiki has never participated in a cakewalk so he has no way of knowing if that’s true. Suffice it to say, it was a no-brainer.

The Degrees — one of Bobble Tiki’s favorite Tacoma indie rock bands from years gone by — will reunite, for one night at least, Saturday, Aug. 23, at Bob’s Java Jive. The Fernandez brothers, Reylan and Lino, along with drummer Andy Coffey and guitarist Ken Smith will all be onstage together again.  The cause is simple: Coffey has type 1 diabetes and has been battling the disease for years. Recently, diabetes claimed the vision in his right eye, and since he’s already nearsighted in his left eye, it makes seeing damn near impossible. Proceeds from The Degrees reunion show at Bob’s Java Jive will go to buy Coffey a much needed pair of glasses, and any additional money raised will go toward helping the Java Jive secure a new PA system. As far as causes go they don’t get much better or more practical — which is why Bobble Tiki has no qualms about throwing his full weight behind it.

Rounding out The Degrees reunion show bill will be Raylazer, Carparty, Bandolier, and a solo performance from guitarist Kyong Kim of Post Stardom Depression fame. Bobble Tiki caught up with Reylan Fernandez of The Degrees this week to get his thoughts on the reunion and the worthy cause.

BOBBLE TIKI: What are your emotions going into this show? Bobble Tiki figures there are probably plenty. How long has it been since you guys (The Degrees) played together — assuming you’ve practiced at this point. Was it weird at first, or did it come back just like riding a bike?

REYLAN FERNANDEZ: While there is a little bit of nervousness, I’m really excited to play The Degrees’ songs in front of a crowd again. We haven’t played since October 2006. Practice was horrible at first, but by the second one a lot of the cobwebs were gone. 

TIKI: The idea for the reunion stemmed from a very admirable cause. Explain how this show came to be? Was everyone instantly into the idea, or was there any hesitancy?

FERNANDEZ: For a while I knew Andy’s sight was going.  He went through a procedure to help stop the blindness, but it didn’t work.  It was hard to believe when he told me he was fully blind in his right eye. The nearsighted left eye isn’t much help.  I came up with the idea at the Rising Tides show (Smith‘s new band). It was the first time in awhile we had been in the same building. When we first broke up we didn’t think we would ever play as The Degrees again. Old issues are water under the bridge, and everyone was fully into doing a benefit as long as all the bands were friends with The Degrees.

TIKI: What can fans expect from the set? Once again, assuming you’ve practiced, how are the old Degrees’ songs sounding?

FERNANDEZ: The fans can expect all their sing-a-long favorites. All the songs are sounding good.

TIKI: Bobble Tiki understands it’s your and Andy’s birthday soon. What should people get you?

FERNANDEZ: Actually, Ken’s was on August 2 as well. We would never argue with beer, but I just want people to donate some cash at the benefit.

TIKI: What has the reaction been so far from old fans? Have people expressed excitement to see The Degrees again?

FERNANDEZ: It has been really positive, and many people are excited to see us play. As a matter of fact, I saw Jason Freet of The Drug Purse at a Java Jive show, and he said something along the lines of missing The Degrees. I told him we were doing a reunion show, and he seemed genuinely excited.

TIKI: What’s going to be the biggest challenge of getting onstage together again?

FERNANDEZ: Not drinking too much before we play.

TIKI: If people want to buy The Degrees beer at Bob’s, what kind should they get you?

FERNANDEZ: Normally it would be PBR, but Bob’s isn’t carrying it anymore so pretty much anything, but I personally like the African Amber Porter.

As usual, Bobble Tiki doesn’t care what you do this week because he doesn’t even know you. Hopefully by now that doesn’t come as a surprise. Unless you can tell Bobble Tiki why Obama didn’t choose him as a running mate, then he’s pretty sure he doesn’t want to meet you. An Obama/Tiki ticket would have been unstoppable. Check out for all your South Sound blogosphere needs, and consider that good enough. If you get any closer you might see the food particles stuck in Bobble Tiki’s teeth.

[Bob’s Java Jive, The Degrees reunion, Raylazer, Kyong Kim, Carparty, Bandolier, Saturday, Aug. 23, 8 p.m., 2102 S. Tacoma Way, Tacoma, 253.475.9843]

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