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House Blend Thursdays

Masa rocks with a heart

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All of you young and young-at-heart readers know that it’s fairly easy to coast through a Friday at work after a Thursday night on the town, and that’s why so many of you are constantly on the hunt for Thursday functions.

After thoroughly scouring this city for an excellent weekend prefunc, without a doubt, the place to be on Thursday evenings is Masa Comida Mexicana.

Each and every Thursday is the Masa House Blend, a weekly music throw down for charity.

Masa waives the cover charge on Thursdays, but when you attend, I (and Masa) can’t encourage you enough to donate (at least $5) to a worthy cause that’s actually quite important to me:

The Mary Bridge Childhood Obesity Clinic.

Many of you don’t know that during my childhood, I was always the tallest and the biggest, and because our family had such bad eating habits, my mother suffered her first heart attack when I was in high school due to obesity. As a result, wellness is a personal passion of mine, and I spent seven years of my life as a dedicated fitness instructor specializing in step, kickboxing, weight training and ski conditioning (earning the nickname Sergeant Rock).

The eating behaviors that can lead to such detrimental results are learned at a young age, and when financial times are tough, it’s so easy to reach for the highly marketed, ridiculously cheap items on the eye-level grocery store shelves.

Children deserve to lead healthy lives that are filled with exercise, healthy meals, and freedom from the ridicule that comes with being a big kid (I got some of the worst of it, with sports as one of the best outlets).

Masa makes it easy each and every Thursday to donate to the childhood obesity cause, and so far, the donations have helped with the startup of this Mary Bridge program.

Even better, after you’ve noshed and sipped on Masa’s treats, bear in mind that dancing is such great exercise to burn those calories off!

The music typically starts at 9 p.m., and that’s when the house begins to fill up, too. The night consists of an awesome local band kicking the evening off, followed by a DJ who spins until the end of the evening.

Tonight you really should catch the Damon Castillo Band’s rock and soul. Dec. 11 you can check out The Senate’s face-melting acoustic rock. Then, Dec. 18, you won’t want to miss one of my longtime favorites, Handful of Luvin’. Again, since Masa is being so very kind in fronting the cash for these awesome bands, I really hope that you will donate to the cause in fighting childhood obesity, which really will save lives.

[Masa Comida Mexicana, 2811 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.473.3510]

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