Northwest Military Blogs: Served blog

July 21, 2014 at 5:52am

Served Blog Banner Girl: Q&A with Amy Hiibel of Bluebeard Coffee Roasters

Amy Hiibel serves espresso at Bluebeard Coffee Roasters, which was named Best Coffee in the 2012 and 2013 Best of Tacoma issues. Photo credit: Pappi Swarner

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Every week we swap out the Served banner art above, introducing you to the people who serve food and drinks in the South Sound. This week, meet Amy Hiibel.

Server Banner Girl, July 21-27, 2014

Amy Hiibel

The person behind the coffee shop counter is a kind-of saint, what with all those grouchy morning people in need of caffeine (never me, of course). The Bluebeard Coffee Roasters baristas are always ready with your morning or afternoon brew, and there's no friendlier face than Amy Hiibel. Voted Best Barista in the Weekly Volcano's 2013 Best of Tacoma issue, Hiibel there serving up your latté or red-eye with a smile - even if you are a little grumpy in the AM.

Why do you serve?

"I honestly love being a part of the community. Getting to see so many people from so many different social circles and backgrounds each day makes me feel like I am contributing to the Tacoma community I love so much. I tried for years to do a desk job, and it was just never fulfilling for me. I came back to coffee about four years ago, and it was the best life choice I could have made."

Who is your favorite server in the South Sound?

"There are so many wonderful people in the service industry, it's hard to pick just one. However I do love seeing Greg Rodriquez whenever he is bartending at Top of Tacoma. He was my first bartender at Magoo's before I even moved to Tacoma. He is such a genuinely sweet and caring human, it's always a pleasure to see him and hear him laugh as he's pouring beers and drinks."

What are you most proud to serve?

"I don't drink milk, but I do love serving someone a latte and having them exclaim over the art on top of their beverage. It's pretty adorable to have people whipping out their phones to take documentation of what they are about to put in their mouth. It's a simple act, but it can make someone's whole day."

What is your current drink of choice?

"Depends on what sort of beverage we are talking about. For caffeinated purposes, I will always pick a chemex. It's my favorite method of brewing, and there is something satisfying about making one for yourself. If we're talking an adult beverages, forever a bourbon neat and cold IPA. Or Rainier. I like to keep it classic."

What is your favorite movie?

"I am a glutton for eighties action movies. I think I've tortured my neighbors with sounds of explosions entirely too much, especially Bruce Willis. I mean, c'mon. Die Hard is the best classic holiday movie."

What don't you serve?

"White chocolate. Or white coffee. It's not happening."

What's on your radar at Bluebeard Coffee?

"It's always exciting to see a new line up of coffee as the seasons change. For instance, right now we have a Costa Rican, Las Lajas. It's amazing. Think serious strawberries. I want to drink it forever."

LINK: Meet other South Sound servers

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About this blog

Served, a blog by the Weekly Volcano, is the region’s feedbag of fresh chow daily, local restaurant news, New Beer Column, bar and restaurant openings and closings, breaking culinary news and breaking culinary ground - all brought to the table with a dollop of Internet frivolity on top.

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A very interesting article, to add insight can be read at


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