TROUBLE OF DEROSA: Jolene Renee Green

The manager of downtown Tacoma Cutters Point ran into Trouble

By Steph DeRosa on May 10, 2010

Hailing from Eastern Washington, 25-year-old Jolene Renee Green has been a part of Tacoma for the last three years.  Without trying too hard to sound like a cheesy singles ad, I'll also point out she has a dog named Bodi with an ancestry from the "mutt" breed, almost always picks out the Salt-n-Pepa song "Push It" when singing karaoke, exercises in her free time, and - best of all - enjoys patronizing local dive bars.  Atta girl! 

What Green brings to the downtown Tacoma's Cutters Point Coffee is a welcoming personality laced with a touch of abrasion.  She loves the diversity of Tacoma School of the Arts and UWT folks, yet frowns on those who have sensitive personalities and need too much maintenance in a friendship.

Green is also notorious for being a no-bullshit girl who is hard to offend, which is exactly why the Cutters Point manager was the perfect Trouble with DeRosa specimen.  And by specimen, I mean lab test.  Just how far could I push her before she blew up?  Please, allow me to shake the test tube. ...

STEPH DEROSA: I love that you love dive bars.  I once attempted to visit all the dive bars in Pierce County. There are just a few I've missed, but I think I have about 70 in my catalog.

JOLENE RENEE GREEN: You're kidding.

DEROSA: Nope. You can find a synopsis of them all on the Weekly Volcano Web site under Bar Exam.

GREEN: Nice!  A true sign of a dive bar is when you have four shots in front of you purchased by skeezy old men.

DEROSA: Another sign of a dive bar is when you witness some drunk fool being kicked out the front door upon your arrival.  Hey, have you ever had to kick someone out of Cutters Point before?

GREEN: Just once. A SOTA student threatened to throw her cup at me.  She was only joking, but to me that's nothing to joke about.

DEROSA: How big was the cup?  As big as my cartoon-sized, super-duper 92-ounce ceramic latte mug I brought in for you to fill up?

GREEN: Uh, no.  That was a first.  I've never had someone request help carrying their mug out to their table.

DEROSA: Yeah, you can now also see why I brought in my own extra-long silly straw.

GREEN: I think it's the catheter bag, Steph, that's most offensive.

DEROSA: Thanks.  Best idea I ever had.

Downtown Tacoma Cutters Point

1936 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.272.7101