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Dick Dale: He plays for the people

The surf guitar legend to rock The Swiss

GIRL TROUBLE: Expect wild, visceral energy - with or without shirts. Photo credit: Pappi Swarner

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Legendary rockers Dick Dale and Girl Trouble have shared a stage in Tacoma many times, the last being over a year ago. These influential musicians have 50 year and 30 year careers, respectively. They have stood the test of time, sticking to our hearts like a home cooked meal sticks to the ribs, and together, along with The Dignitaries, will again share a stage Thursday, Nov. 29, at The Swiss in Tacoma.

Girl Trouble's Bon Von Wheelie reminisces in an email about a show with Dale at the old Hell's Kitchen on Sixth Avenue: "I was watching him in the side bar so I could still see him on stage. He jumped off the stage, still playing, and walked over to the few of us watching from that spot and played to us. Then he walked out onto 6th Ave, still playing, and right out into the street. About 25 of us followed him out there and he stopped traffic while he played! It was unbelievable."

Dick Dale, 75, attributes his energy and enthusiasm for touring as "a chance to be Johnny Appleseed."  Dale, a cancer survivor who says he's nowhere near retiring, does a national tour three times a year.

"Touring is a two-way street," he says over the phone. "It pays the bills and helps those people that can see me rip on stage at 75. I've never played the game of corporate structures, that's why they call me the bad boy," he chuckles.

Girl Trouble also knows the staying game, keeping up on promotion (check out the band's website!) staying true to their sound and staying true to each other.

"It's been almost 30 years but in some ways it feels like we are still a new band," says Von Wheelie. "We still have fun at practice, enjoy hanging out with each other and love to play shows. To think it's been that long is kind of unbelievable. The only thing that is a little different, maybe, is that people know us better. We don't have to explain ourselves as much as we used to. They know what to expect."

People can expect to see a huge fan base, excellent onstage chemistry, favorite songs and a great line up for the show at The Swiss. People can also expect the unexpected. As Dale puts it, and I'm sure he can speak for all bands involved, "We play for grassroots, we play for the people, and each night is different."


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