VIII Days Clean

VIII Days Clean

Jeff W., Ron W., Cody J.



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Tacoma, Washington based VIII Days Clean is a heavy rock band with a message for the world. Since 2005 VIII Days Clean has released three albums, and built an extensive fan base reaching across the country. The band draws musical influences from a tradition of Northwest rockers including Alice in Chains, and Soundgarden, other influences include God Smack, Marilyn Manson and NIN. The album “Angels of Nothing,” released in November of 2009, can only be described as infectious. John Larson, of the Tacoma Weekly proclaims the album to be dark, disturbing and utterly brilliant.
Relentless marketing has established VIII Days Clean as one of the regions’ most sought after bands. Featured industry showcases and events include, playing with Drowning Pool at an event to welcome home local troops, in September 2010, placing 4th in the Best of Western Washington contest in 2010, and a recent nomination in Los Angeles for a Prism Award featuring the video “Open Up.” VIII Days Clean has just returned from their second west coast tour from Seattle to Los Angeles, and is gearing up to release their fourth full-length album, ‘Parasite’ in July 2011. The albums release will be followed by a 15 date tour.
It is not only great music and epic live performances that keep the fans coming back. It is the fact that fans can connect their lives with the music. The members of VIII Days Clean were once homeless, self-indulgent, junkies, roaring their way through the lives of others. Their songs reflect their history. The band - vocalist/guitarist Ron W., drummer Jeff W., bassist Cody J. and guitarist Gary C. - have proven anything is possible.

“The one message we want to spread is that anyone can achieve theirs dreams…don’t regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it…a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.” VIII Days Clean

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