DRINK(s): Bartender Interview at the Beach Tavern

Meet Mark Gill

By Joshua Swainston on June 13, 2011

Homer Simpson once said, "The only guys who wear Hawaiian shirts are gay guys and big fat party animals." Mark Gill, bartender of the Beach Tavern, is the latter. Monday through Friday, Gill leaves his dogs at home on the Key Peninsula to trek to the well-known bar tucked next to Titlow Beach.

WEEKLY VOLCANO: Tell us about the Beach Tavern.

MARK GILL: The Beach is like a West Coast Cheers. A lot of regulars. Monday through Friday it's the same people here day after day.

VOLCANO: What is the best drink in the place?

GILL: I'd say bourbon. A Crown or a Maker's, personally. But I drink anything.

VOLCANO: Where do you drink when you're off?

GILL: I pop up to UP Station on the weekends. They've got good people.

VOLCANO: The beach has a pretty good jukebox. What would you say is the most overplayed song?

GILL: I like him as an artist, but Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" can go. With all the songs Johnny Cash has, why always play "Ring of Fire"?

VOLCANO: Can the Volcano staff drink here for free?

GILL: I can't do that. I'm just a worker.

[Beach Tavern, 8612 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.564.9984]