Uniform discounts on oil changes

By Melissa Renahan on January 13, 2010

No matter what type of car you own, whether domestic or foreign, truck or sedan, old or new, it will need oil changes. With all the competition out there, it's tough to know where to drive your business. Below is a list of local shops that offer the best deals, military discounts and quick no-appointment-necessary service.

For those who want to get their car serviced on base or post, Firestone has locations on both Fort Lewis and McChord. The Fort Lewis Firestone (253-964-1090), located next to the commissary, charges $28 plus tax for a standard oil change and does accept appointments.

The McChord Firestone (253-584-6830), located right outside the B/X, charges $26 plus tax for standard oil changes and also accepts appointments, as well as walk-ins. 

Here are some other businesses that do not offer military discounts on oil changes but do have the best deals.