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Doggies get the boot

Toys help injured soldiers, available at Pet Brigade on Post

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Talk about getting the boot.

Except this one is all about supporting wounded soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

"It's a real good deal," commented Regis Jackson as he held up a My Good Dog's Chewy toy.

The toy features a red, white and blue shoe sole with an attached throwing/tugging lanyard.

Quabaug Corporation of Northbrook, Mass. makes the shoe and is the North American manufacturer of Vibram Pet Products.

The environmentally safe rubber to make the toy is also the same used to make the boot soles for the military.

The money raised from the sale of the Chew Toy helps veterans injured in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"For every chew shoe purchased, two dollars is contributed to helping our wounded soldiers," continued Jackson.

"As far as I know, we are the only one's offering the toy for sale."

Regis and his wife, Nancy, own The Pet Brigade, the only full pet service facility located on Fort Lewis that offers dog and cat boarding, doggie daycare, grooming and training.

Jackson also pointed out that if military members act now, they can pick up a free 10-pound bag of cat litter.

The brigade also provides services ranging from helping deploying spouses with their pets to providing a free pick up and delivery service of pets on post.

Since the Chew Toy's introduction earlier this year, it has raised more than $38,000 nationwide.

It is the result of a partnership between, Vibram and Puppies Behind Bars (PBB).

Inmates in New York City-area correctional institutions train the dogs, and the money from every toy purchased goes to "Dog Tags," a service organization which provides service dogs to injured veterans.

"The proceeds from the sales of the Chewy Shoe help us continue the important work of supporting our veterans," said Gloria Gilbert Stoga, founder and president of PBB in a recent news release.

Closer to home, Jackson and his employees emphasize the fact that not only does the Chew Toy help soldiers, but that they are ready to help families with their pet needs.

"We have a caring staff which understands the soldiers' needs," said Jackson.

"And we sincerely honor what our soldiers here do."

To purchase, visit The Pet Brigade on North Fort Lewis off Pendleton Drive, or call (253)912-4898.

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