Friday, Dec. 13: The Spider Ferns

The New Frontier Lounge

By Rev. Adam McKinney on December 12, 2013

The Spider Ferns are a duo that aim to hypnotize. Made up largely of just electric guitar and bass, with no drums, there is very little to prevent you from getting lulled into their bubbling tones. Without percussion, the sounds tend to just wash over you, lively though they may sometimes get. Kelly and Alton Fleek (bass and guitar, respectively) both take time on the microphone, but Kelly's lead vocal is always present. Enveloped in echo, Kelly's voice takes the listener on quasi-psychedelic excursions that sound less influenced by LSD than by downers. It's easy to imagine lighting a cigarette, turning on the Spider Ferns and melting into a comfy chair for long periods of time. Still, a sense of unease permeates the Spider Ferns, even amidst the narcotic ambience.

THE SPIDER FERNS, w/ Oh Dear!, J. Martin, 9 p.m., The New Frontier Lounge, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, $5, 253.572.4020]

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