Saturday, Dec. 7: Bacon Moon

Le Voyeur

By Rev. Adam McKinney on December 5, 2013

When I wrote about Bacon Moon, back in 2010, I compared them to Guided By Voices. Much like Robert Pollard's drunken pop music wonder-band, Bacon Moon have a knack for finding indelible pop melodies in the middle of lo-fi rattling. Since that write-up, Bacon Moon have edged further into experimental music, finding progressive rock clashing with major chord Ramones-aping punk. These discordant styles - exploratory rock mingling with four-chord anthems - creates an intriguing mélange of genres that sounds less like compromise than it does of restless tinkering. Bacon Moon is a band that cherishes the new as much as it worships the old. Classic rock posturing shares space with goofy alt-rock noodling, and it somehow all finds room to share together, resulting in the kind of music that makes it hard to place your finger on. 

BACON MOON, w/ Dirty Malkovich, the Deceptives, 9 p.m., Le Voyeur, 404 E. Fourth St., Olympia, no cover, 360.943.0710

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