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Thursday, Nov. 21: "Sarasvati Takes Pegasus as Her Mount" book launch

King's Books

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So you've stood atop the mountain and screamed your naked desires to the universe and you've had your share of peyote-fueled hallucinations of images of the pagan goddesses in the sweat lodge and you have fever dreamed your way to what someone said might be nirvana but was more likely something akin to synapse epilepsy and you have asked your dreams and opened your heart and eaten the vegan bean sprout salads and detoxed in the tub 10 thousand times hoping for an anthology of 17 regional women poets around the theme of gods, goddesses and myth. And just when you were about to reach karmic exhaustion and flip on South Park, the book Sarasvati Takes Pegasus as Her Mount - featuring poems by Peggy Barnett, Glenna Cook, Maria Gudaitis, Marjorie Rommel, Josie Emmons Turner, Connie Walle and 11 other women poets  - is released, with a celebration at King's Books. And the calm flows into your skin like the cool rays of the morning sun.

SARASVATI TAKE SPEGASUS AS HER MOUNT BOOK LAUNCH, 7 p.m., King's Books, 218 St. Helens Ave., Tacoma, free admission, 253.272.8801

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