Saturday, Nov. 30: Day Laborers and Petty Intellectuals

Bob's Java Jive

By Rev. Adam McKinney on November 26, 2013

Beneath the beauty and pageantry of Seattle six-piece Day Laborers and Petty Intellectuals, there runs a streak of wryly winking satire. These are people who know what it looks like to be some folk-slinging hipsters in the Pacific Northwest, and they find humor in appearances. In this way, they're reminiscent of other dryly-funny locals such as Shotgun Kitchen, Pillow Army, and the Foghorns. Their song, "Irene, Goodnight," is about being 27-years-old, drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon and Old Fashioned cocktails, riding fixed gear bicycles, raising urban livestock, thinking yourself a sensitive intellectual, and reveling in how wonderful it is to not be a cliché. All of this spot-on observation is bolstered by beatific instrumentation - flutes and violins trill in the background, as winsome guitars and drums drive the song along. 

DAY LABORERS AND PRETTY INTELLECTUALS, w/ Cloud Person, the Owl Parliament, the Cedars, 8 p.m., Bob's Java Jive, 2102 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, cover tba, 253.475.9843

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South Sound Holiday Command Center

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