Thursday, Jan. 10: Casey Rocheteau

Orca Books

By Ron Swarner on January 8, 2013

OK, so you're not into the really olden Golden Girl every Tuesday night.  You're not really a gallery type, watching dance performances makes your pasty little limbs quiver and if you could have it your way, you'd unplug the phone and hole yourself up in a dingy, dimly-lit room, limiting your "scrawling" to horrible poetry verses on the back of old Taco Bell napkins. Or maybe your poetry isn't that bad, in which case I encourage you to check out poet Casey Rocheteau Thursday night.

What's the attraction? It's poetry with all the coolly nuanced subtleties of a body block. Rocheteau was one of the leaders of the Hampshire Slam Collective from 2004-2007, during which she was a member of the first Hampshire/Five College teams at the College Union Poetry Slam Invitational. Theatrical and totally "in the moment," performance poetry shakes up the whole infrastructure of the dowdy old poetry world. Rocheteau is a fierce, lyrical acrobat. Hold on.

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