Saturday, Dec. 10: Duck The Malls

Capitol Theater

By Molly Gilmore on December 5, 2011

Yes, the Olympia Film Society's Duck the Malls is a craft fair, but as the name suggests, it's a crafts fair with a decidedly alternative approach.

"It's an alternative to the mall, but it's also an alternative to your conventional craft fair," says Ira Coyne, who organizes the event and runs the gallery at the Capitol Theater.

"Bottom line, we look for whatever is the most handmade," he says. "If you go to a craft fair where there are 200 tables, there are going to be a few vendors who are passing for craftsmen when they are really just slapping some plastic from China together to make an easy buck.

"We don't allow that here."

To Read Molly Gilmore's full feature, click here.

Duck the Malls

Saturday, Dec. 10, 1-4 p.m.
Capitol Theater, 206 Fifth Ave. SE, Olympia
360.754.6670 or