Monday, July 18: Sam Vicari

Le Voyeur Cafe and Lounge

By Rev. Adam McKinney on July 13, 2011

The music of Sam Vicari is such pure, visceral power-pop that one might be taken aback at the sounds of those first chugging chords. Apparently a one-man operation, Sam Vicari's themes and vocals have a pungently nerdy air about them, imbuing his full-length, Keep Careful, with the kind of ecstatic, pop-minded, puppy-love-obsessed feeling of bands like Weezer and other late '90s radio punk. His vocals have a slightly sibilant quality that helps soften the music's sometimes jagged edges. Indeed, every song has been so smartly assembled, so tightly arranged with sing-along choruses and crunchy riffs, that Keep Careful shapes up to be a finely tuned gem of carefree power-pop that rarely takes a moment's rest in its speeding race to the end of those 10 tracks. 

[Le Voyeur, 10 p.m., no cover, 404 Fourth Ave. E., Olympia, 360.943.5710]