Thursday, Feb. 3: Malaikat dan Singa


By Jason Baxter on February 2, 2011

Malaikat dan Singa is the love-drunk project of Old Tim Relijun's Arrington de Dionyso, who - after falling hard with someone he knew would be spending months overseas in Indonesia - actually learnt Indonesian and started writing love songs in the language in anticipation of their return. The resultant material isn't exactly traditionally seductive or at all bedroom-ready; Arrington growls, barks, and lingers on rolled R's like a frantic Rasta emcee while spare dance rhythms unfurl gawkily beneath his vocalizations. It's offbeat, but as the Indonesians day, "Gading yang tak retak" (there is no ivory that isn't cracked), and Arrington's shirtless, sax-playing flamboyance will be well-tempered by psychedelic duo Midday Veil's astral evocations. The night's performers will have you flush with aduhai (an expression of admiration) even while they recall the sensation of kakau (to wake up from a nightmare).

[Northern, with Midday Veil, Georgy, 8 p.m., all-ages, 321 Fourth Ave., Olympia,]