Monday, Feb. 21: Dennis Kucinich and "The True Cost of War"

Capitol Theater

By Christian Carvajal on February 18, 2011

When Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) rolls into Olympia on Presidents Day to give a lecture on "The True Cost of War," he will arrive with antiwar bona fides unmatched in any recent Congress. Last March, he put a resolution on the floor of the House of Representatives that would have required all American troops out of Afghanistan by 2011. Though the resolution was soundly defeated, it did get 65 votes; public support for the war has dwindled.

Read our full article, with an interview with Kucinich, here.

[Capitol Theater, Rep. Dennis Kucinich lecture, Monday, Feb. 21, 3 p.m., suggested donation $5-$15, 206 Fifth Ave. SE, Olympia, 360.754.6670]