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Saturday, Dec. 18: KEG

Hell's Kitchen


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Oh, folks. Are you ready for something absolutely ridiculous? You may look no further than KEG. I can't do his act justice by merely describing it - he is a one-man hair metal band. Sure, it sounds kind of funny, but to watch it is a thing of eye-rubbing, snort-inducing beauty. It may be possible to effectively replicate the sound of an entire hair metal band through the use of a looping pedal, much like the kind that KEG utilizes, but that's not KEG's M.O. He wants to replicate the feeling of a hair metal group, and in that case musicianship comes in a far second behind balls-to-the-wall theatrics. He breathlessly pulls out every trick in the hair metal playbook: high kicks, spitting water, gesturing with his crotch, etc. KEG is a tornado of absurdity. 

[Hell's Kitchen, with Dirty Hollywood, the Pete Moss Band, Bone Flower, 9 p.m., $5, 928 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.759.6003]

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Saturday, Dec. 18: Deborah Page

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