Thursday, Oct. 21: "THICK"

Tollefson Plaza

By Volcano Staff on October 20, 2010

Commissioned by Spaceworks Tacoma, choreographer Carla Barragan and BQdanza members will present THICK in Tollefson Plaza Thursday. A site-specific dance, including poetry from Luke Smiraldo, THICK is a reaction of sorts to the BP oil spill and "mourns the loss of and also celebrates the beauty and grace of birds, sea creatures, micro-organisms and other non-human victims of the region," according to descriptions. Oh yeah! It's all part of Arts Crush! And it all helps TAM celebrate 75 years! And the Mighty Tacoma exhibit opens the same day!

[Tollefson Plaza, 6 p.m., free, South 17th and Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, 206.931.5787]