Saturday, Sept. 4: The Sofistokits

O'Malley's Irish Pub

By Bobble Tiki on September 1, 2010

What do we know about South Sound band the Sofistokits? No more than is necessary. The Sofistokits trudge in marshy, blues-laden hard rock bogs and rarely take their rock shoes off upon coming inside. Comprised of Dennis Byers, Justin McIntyre, Andrew Hilton and Dick Midnyte, the Sofistokits are a band well suited for the cheap beer fueled stage of O'Malley's in Tacoma - which is a good thing, considering that's exactly where the band will be plugging in Saturday night. They're not royalty. They're not the punch line to a raunchy as hell Gilbert Gottfried or Bob Saget joke. And they're not much for spelling. They're the Sofistokits! If you like an unpretentious good time, this band's for you. 

[O'Malley's, with Hi-Fi Reset, 9 p.m., no cover, 2403 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253. 383.3144]