Sunday, Jan. 17: Tallest Tree

The New Frontier Lounge

By Matt Driscoll on January 13, 2010

First and foremost, we've raved about Brooklyn Pool before. We may have been calling the band "Former Foxes" at the time, or even "As Far as Foxes Go" or "Bearfeat" - but that's just because they were too. We've evolved as they've evolved - and now that the band is comfortably Brooklyn Pool, we've come to terms with the latest name as well. And, let's be honest, the tightly-sewn indie pop Brooklyn Pool exudes helps make the transitions a lot easier to stomach. On the other hand, we haven't gushed much over Tallest Tree - but that's not because the band isn't slowly winning us over with modest, unassuming indie rock. Quite the contrary, actually; an infatuation that started at last year's Music and Arts in Wright Park has continued with Tallest Tree, and we're even more intrigued than ever. When these two bands play Sunday at The New Frontier, you'd be well advised to be on hand.

[The New Frontier Lounge, with Brooklyn Pool, 8 p.m., cover TBA, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, 253.572.4020]