PHOTOS: Saturday night live

By Steve Dunkelberger on April 11, 2011

TACOMA, APRIL 9, 2011 >>>

Can you hear it?

Chicka now chicka gna gnow.

Wait, that sounds like porn star opening scene.

Boom bap boom bap ...

Seeing live bands like the ones this post – in all their abstract beauty or brutal frankness – helped reintroduce me to why I dug music so much to begin with. For so many musicians (and some fans) music can be exhausting, all-consuming. But I've discovered music as a vital part of the larger equation, the equation of life, art, love, sex, death, and fancy footwear. Even if a lot of it is just rock 'n' roll, it's all part of something bigger. It depends, I suppose, on how you live your life. It depends on how you listen.

Big Wheel Stunt Show at The New Frontier Lounge

Dudley Taft at Jazzbones

Jeff Ferrel at O'Malley's Irish Pub

The Shivering Denizens at O'Malley's Irish Pub

The Plastards at The Acme Grub Cage

Twink The Wonder Kid at The Acme Grub Cage

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