R & R Live

My "Eduardo"

By Brett Cihon on April 6, 2011

I'm in no mood. No mood for Graham, no mood for rockaraoke and no mood for (gasp!) beer. I'm in no mood to visit a bar and write a review. Instead of surveying R & R Live, I'd rather be in bed.

When I arrive at the R & R's weekly rockaraoke, the guy at the door tells me it's a late crowd. I sigh. Of course. The one time I show up early it's a late crowd. But I head in anyway, ready to put my crankiness aside and give a fair, honest review.

Located next to a hardware store and a fitness center, the R & R has a little too much strip mall mise-en-scène for my tastes. The place is new and clean, but lacks character. Polished tables and chairs match the bar's dark lighting. New pool tables, beer signs and TVs playing TNA Wrestling dot the large space. It's a nice tavern, but where's the shake? The sizzle? 

The sizzle, as it turns out, can be found in the clientele. I take a seat near the back and watch the band churn out songs. The crowd of about 20 people runs the gamut from unenthused to spirited. A wannabe diva belts out a hit. A group of weekday drinkers sits quietly watching the show. Behind me, a group of guys wearing Ed Hardy shirts heckle the singers.

The hecklers pay special attention to a rockaraoke local named Angel. Wearing coveralls and holding a cane, Angel thoroughly enjoys his Thursday night. He gets up to sing every third song, and does so with gusto. At one point he asks the crowd if they want to hear his version of the Eagles' "Desperado" that he calls "My Eduardo." Not hearing a response from the crowd, he plunges into his bastardized lyrics of "Desperado" until one of the band members cuts him off.

Though the R & R isn't especially crowded, I'm entertained by the variety of people. I order another beer and listen to more songs. Eventually my mood picks up, even if the crowd stays stagnant at 20.    

R & R Live

Open until 2 a.m.
$3 cover for live band karaoke Thursdays
9807 224th St. E., Graham