Thursdays: Swing of Things Social Dance

Mid-County Community Center

By Volcano Staff on January 3, 2011

It's no secret that a typical Meat Market outing isn't for everybody. Let‘s face it, unless you enjoy tequila shots, club tracks and booty shorts, appropriate Meat Market recommendations can seem a tad ... sparse. But dammit, let it never again be uttered that the Meat Market let down those with the most sensitive of sensibilities! An organization called the Swing of Things offers a weekly social dance from 7-10 p.m. every Thursday evening. Here, interested parties of all ages can dance, chat and swing the night away. A free lesson is included with the entrance fee.   

[Swing of Things Social Dance, every Thursday 7-10 p.m., $7 for singles, $10 for couples, Mid-County Community Center, 10205 44th Ave. East, Tacoma, 253.209.2775]