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Trivia Night with Colin at Meconi's Pub & Eatery (18 Photos)

Meconi's Pub and Eatery is the trivia church Wednesday nights with The Rev. Colin at the pulpit. Services begin at 8 p.m. and the wine isn't served in a Communal cup while the Bread of Life might be in the form of a steak taco. But the sermons always seem to get parishioners taking the lord's name in vain. Through the series of seven rounds of nine questions each, more than a fair share of "God Damn it, Colin" echoes through the bar. Rev. Colin spends about six hours a week developing questions the way a priest tolls over an Easter sermon, but a bit of the time involves coming up with odd categories that range from "brought to you by the letter S" and "killing two birds with one piece of sh**," all in an effort to add creative frameworks that could all get lumped into "random crap Colin knows." The hit round from last week was "accepted or denied vanity license plates." Don't even ask what some people wanted labeling their cars, but also why some were rejected and others weren't. Good times, good times.

Trivia Night with Colin #3

Trivia Night with Colin #3 - Photo by Steve Dunkelberger

Photo by Steve Dunkelberger

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