Articles (392) Currently Viewing: 381 - 392 of 392

Fort Lewis and McChord Girl Scouts

Military Life

Fort Lewis and McChord Girl Scouts

Between Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force Base, there are 11 active Girl Scout troops. The potential - and the girls - exist to form at least two more troops immediately, but while the Girl Scouts aren't short on cookies, they are short on troop leaders. "It is hard to keep

Uniform discounts on oil changes


Uniform discounts on oil changes

No matter what type of car you own, whether domestic or foreign, truck or sedan, old or new, it will need oil changes. With all the competition out there, it's tough to know where to drive your business. Below is a list of local shops that offer the best deals,

Fort Lewis wife bursts onto music scene

Military Life

Fort Lewis wife bursts onto music scene

When American Idol's season nine debuts this January, they will have already missed out on a local rising star. Dawn Joyner, who performs under the name "Elli" has been stationed out of Fort Lewis for the past two years with her soldier and family. Her husband, Sgt. Chris Joyner, is currently

Adopt-A-Company program excels in its pilot year


Adopt-A-Company program excels in its pilot year

Before the 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division Strykers deployed this past September, Col. Norris, brigade commander, was looking to build a stronger relationship between the local business community and his soldiers. He wanted to establish an Adopt-A-Company program, which would pair businesses with a specific company. The thought was that this would

Family portraits at a discount


Family portraits at a discount

A family portrait is something that is usually displayed prominently in your home, saved forever and typically a reminder of fond memories. So when shopping around for a photographer, why not find one that make your portrait truly unique and your experience fairly painless? The first step is booking a session

Downrange Journal

Fisher House Christmas party

If you have pictures you'd like to see posted, send them to with captions. Sign up for our free newsletter.


Families come together for Chanukah

Chanukah may not technically be the most important holiday on the Jewish calendar, but the Festival of Lights is still cause for celebration. Though there is a Jewish chapel on Fort Lewis it has a limited schedule, which often forces military families to seek off-post services, especially at the holidays. Temple


Single soldiers need to ensure their pets are cared for

Whether they are leaving for deployment or heading out on TDY for a few weeks, soldiers are constantly coming and going. This means stopping the mail, emptying the fridge and handling a dozen other things, which sometimes includes arranging for long-term pet care. Luckily there is a local option to help


Stepparenting and deployments prove challenging

"Although stepfamilies look like first-time families on the outside, they are very different on the inside," said Patricia L. Papernow, EDD, of the Stepfamily Association of America.  With divorce on the rise, re-marrying and forming new family units is becoming more common - especially in the military community, where it

Adventures in cupcakes

Military Life

Adventures in cupcakes

When Betsy Eves started her blog she had no idea that she was on the verge of becoming a virtual sensation. Java Cupcake, which debuted in February 2009, was just supposed to be a way for Eves to discuss her two favorite things: coffee and cupcakes. But, she explains with

Being prepared for tax time

Operation Family Support

Being prepared for tax time

Getting your taxes done may be compulsory, but it doesn't have to be complicated. The tax season, which lasts three and a half months, is often a stress-inducer.  Gathering your W-2s, receipts and records of donations is important - but so is knowing where to go and who to trust. The


Give someone a service

With today’s economy still struggling to rebound, the arrival of the holiday season may be worrisome. Budgets already are strained without adding the extra purchases associated with Santa into the mix. Yet, this year there is an opportunity for some unique and useful gifts — things that involve services instead

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