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Sunday, May 5: "A Place at the Table" film discussion

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Sunday, May 5: "A Place at the Table" film discussion

The documentary A Place at the Table explains the issue of hunger in the United States and the social, cultural and economic implications that come with it. In the midst of many social and class related problems in the U.S., hunger should be among of the easiest

The Grand Suggests: "A Place at the Table"

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The Grand Suggests: "A Place at the Table"

  The growing population of hungry people in a country so full of food is a paradox that is being better understood each day. Despite the fact that the United States has the resources to provide everyone with nutritious and affordable food, 50 million Americans still don't know what their next

The Grand Suggests: "42" with Tacoma leaders

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The Grand Suggests: "42" with Tacoma leaders

Athletes are often honored as heroes for their speed, agility or skill on the field. They become legends with each record they break or title they lead their team to win. But sometimes in history their actions off the field are more heroic than on it. Such is the story of

The Grand Suggests: "Ginger & Rosa"

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The Grand Suggests: "Ginger & Rosa"

In film, I often take the stance that coming-of-age stories about young women are often overdone, over rated and void of any reflection of my own experiences. I have sat tirelessly through stories about teen-age girls that I have no connection with, and can't think of anyone I know who

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