Military Life
American Forces Press Service on June 4th, 2012
A major retirement savings tool available to all service members and DOD civilians is the Thrift Savings Plan, and soon there will be a new way to save for retirement -- the Roth TSP, a senior Defense Department official said. The Roth TSP, which uses after-tax dollars, will
American Forces Press Service on May 14th, 2012
A new mobile application developed by mental health experts combines behavioral therapy with satellite navigation technology to offer returning service members options for adjusting to the slower pace of life at home. An advertisement in New York City's Times Square showcases the new Positive Activity Jackpot
American Forces Press Service on May 2nd, 2012
Beginning this month, some National Guard and reserve members will need to pay dental premiums directly rather than through payroll deduction, a senior official of the TRICARE military health plan said today. A change to the TRICARE Dental Program means that payroll deduction for premiums is not
News Articles
American Forces Press Service on April 14th, 2012
Service members and Defense Department civilian employees who are eligible for the Thrift Savings Plan will soon have a new Roth option for retirement savings under the program, defense finance officials announced today. The change will allow participants to contribute after-tax dollars to the federal government-sponsored retirement
American Forces Press Service on March 15th, 2012
A state-of-the-art millimeter-wave system developed by the Joint Non-lethal Weapons Directorate gives warfighters something more persuasive than shouting but less harmful than shooting when dealing with potentially hostile crowds, Defense Department experts said during a recent demonstration. At a training area on Marine Corps Base Quantico
News Articles
American Forces Press Service on February 4th, 2012
Service members now will receive imminent danger pay only for days they actually spend in hazardous areas, Pentagon officials said here today. The change, which took effect yesterday, was included in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, which President Barack Obama signed into law Dec. 31.
News Articles
American Forces Press Service on February 2nd, 2012
The Defense Department needs another round of base realignments and closures if the military is to retain its balance, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said here yesterday. Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey told the Reserve Officers Association that as the military cuts $487 billion
American Forces Press Service on January 26th, 2012
Air Force Col. Ginger Wallace, an intelligence officer, had a choice seat for President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech yesterday -- she listened to it live, as a guest of First Lady Michelle Obama. Kathy Knopf, left, pins colonel's wings on her partner, Air force
American Forces Press Service on January 23rd, 2012
Navy medical researchers have expanded the knowledge of the bacterium that causes "travelers' diarrhea" and are in the early stages of clinical trials of a vaccine they developed for it. Recognizing the impact of travelers' diarrhea on military readiness, particularly when it affects deployed forces, the Defense
American Forces Press Service on January 11th, 2012
A sophisticated prosthetic knee with a newly designed microprocessor is giving many wounded warriors with above-the-knee amputations the chance to return to active duty, military medical officials here reported. Wounded warriors who had such severe limb loss in the early days of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
McChord Flightline Chatter
American Forces Press Service on May 12th, 2012
WASHINGTON (AFPS) -- A husband who championed the progression of disability policy and the exceptional family member program received the 2012 Military Spouse of the Year Award here today. Jeremy Hilton, spouse of Air Force Lt. Col. Renae Hilton, an Air Force Office of Special Investigations agent
McChord Flightline Chatter
American Forces Press Service on February 7th, 2012
President Barack Obama has nominated Lt. Gen. Janet C. Wolfenbarger to the rank of general, and as commander of Air Force Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta announced today. The promotion would make Wolfenbarger the Air Force's first female four-star
McChord Flightline Chatter
American Forces Press Service on January 26th, 2012
Airmen will play an important role in the joint team's effort to achieve the priorities laid out in the new defense strategic guidance, according to the Air Force's top uniformed officer. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz spoke to members of the World Affairs Council
McChord Flightline Chatter
American Forces Press Service on November 17th, 2011
The Air Force updated its two capstone doctrine documents. In October, the Air Force released Air Force Doctrine Document 1, Air Force Basic Doctrine, Organization, and Command. In early November, a revised AFDD 1-1, Leadership and Force Development, was approved and is expected to be available
McChord Flightline Chatter
American Forces Press Service on November 2nd, 2010
LAUGHLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPS) - A Laughlin officer who lost much of his right leg after a boating accident got word last week that he'll soon return to pilot training here. Since his accident nearly 14 months ago, Air Force 1st Lt. Ryan McGuire has completed rehabilitation using his
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