3 DRINK MINIMUM: Masa and beautiful bartender Ryan

Steph DeRosa drank her three drinks live during Best of Tacoma party

By Steph DeRosa on August 8, 2010

I'm pretty sure each and every hard working individual involved with the enormous production of this year's Weekly Volcano Best of Tacoma 2010 issue had a minimum of three drinks at Masa with me last week.  Hell, I would even venture to bet money that anyone who even stepped foot onto Masa's deck last week's at the Weekly Volcano's Best of Tacoma Premiere Party had a minimum of three drinks; Masa's deck was THE place to be last Wednesday, and it was hoppin' on all counts.

In order to secure a place front and center at the bar, Team Mackey (members: Doug and Lynn) held two prime bar-side spots for me and Tacoma's Best Sidekick, Bandito Betty.  In gratitude for their kindness, I made sure that with every drink I ordered, Team Mackey had one as well.  And just for giggles, I made sure Kris "Save our Sonics" Brennon had one too.

Drink One: Sangria (bartender's choice) - It was about 6 p.m. and the sun was ripe upon Masa's deck.  Bandito Betty and I could feel the heat coming from the sun's gorgeous rays, as well as from all the hot bodies inhabiting the deck that evening.  As sweat began to barely make its way to the back of our necks, this fresh fruit sangria quenched our thirst for cool, complex flavor.  I almost felt a little bad for bartender Ryan as more and more people began ordering the drink, requiring him to repeatedly muddle the fresh fruit.

Drink Two: Sangria/Mojito (most popular within the last hour) - I had no problem at all watching bartender Ryan make multiple Sangrias.  As a matter of fact, we could've watched Ryan make Play-Doh all day for all we cared.  The visual of Ryan working was just as yummy as the drinks he produced, to say the least.

The Sangria had become the most popular drink, obviously, but Ryan made us a different treat in the form of a Mojito.  Again, we enjoyed watching.  And drinking.  And watching. Mmmmm.

Drink Three: Bartender's Margarita (my choice) - If I didn't know better, I might think Ryan was trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me.  But then again, at that point the barstool could've taken advantage of me.  As a matter of fact, it did have hold of my ass all night, so. ...


2811 Sixth Ave., Tacoma