3 DRINK MINIMUM: Tides Tavern

Known for my clam chowder

By Steph DeRosa on July 28, 2010

My next iron-on homemade T-shirt will say, "Known for my clam chowder." 

This is funny for two reasons.  The first being EVERY restaurant with clam chowder on the menu tends to declare their chowder the best. It's always "what they're known for." Even Tides Tavern.   

The second reason my next homemade iron-on T-shirt will be funny is because it will start a new trendy sexual innuendo about women's hoo-has, based around the phrase "my clam chowder." 

This is clever, ADMIT IT! 

Let's play with some examples: "Have you seen my clam chowder?"  "My clam chowder is all natural."

Or variations, using other people: "Her clam chowder was made from bearded clams." "You could smell her clam chowder a mile away!"

See?  And after it's started, girls can wear my new iron-on T-shirts with pride, knowing they too are "Known for their clam chowder."

Drink one: Cucumber Cosmopolitan (bartender's choice) - The best part about our trip to Tides Tavern was not the gorgeous sunny harbor view, or the delicious tuna salad I ate for lunch, OR the fact that this was Bandito Betty's inaugural trip to Gig Harbor (Can you believe it? She's never been to Gig Harbor!). It was our server Julie who made Tides Tavern amazing. 

Julie is amazing for being so darn congenial, and also for being the co-mastermind behind the Cucumber Cosmopolitan creation.  Apparently kudos also go out to Tides Tavern's "Hilly Jane" - whoever the hell that is - for helping Julie create this refreshing drink.

Drink two: Gig Harborita (most popular drink within last hour) - I got excited about this one because I love a good margarita served in a huge glass with lots of ice and a salted rim.  Yum!  But as per the norm, I made my faithful sidekick take the first sip in order to prepare me for any detrimental side effects.  This procedure proved worthwhile when Bandito grimaced upon first swallow and uttered, "Licking ... Panama ... Jack ..." 

Crap.  It had coconut rum in it.  Ugh. I made her drink it for me.

Drink three: Tides Tavern ESB (my choice) - I sipped happily on my chosen ESB as I watched Bandito stomach the tainted margarita.  Someone had to do it, and it's better her than me.  Being my sidekick may suck for the most part, but it does come with its privileges.  Yes, it has privileges.  I don't know any off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are a few somewhere. 

Besides, I'm known for my clam chowder.

Tides Tavern

2925 Harborview Dr., Gig Harbor