3 DRINK MINIMUM: Babalouie's Sports Pub and Grill

Spreading my wings

By Steph DeRosa on June 28, 2010

A few weeks ago I received an email from a nice gentleman named Michael telling me to "spread my wings."  In the email he explained that possible 3 Drink Minimum establishments were not only located in Tacoma, but also Bonney Lake and Buckley.

I couldn't agree more.  Yes, there are fine drinking establishments in places other than Tacoma - like Puyallup, Federal Way, Lakewood and Gig Harbor.  Olympia has some damn good ones as well, which I plan on infiltrating very soon with my Oly pal Daniel Furrer.

As for whether or not Michael's Bonney Lake suggestions proved to be gas-worthy (hello, 30 minute drive!) well, I'll be the judge of that. After Bandito Betty and I filled up the tank, packed a sack lunch and emptied our bladders for the long, rural drive, we pursued Michael's suggestions on where to toss back drinks in Bonney Lake.

This week, I'll tell you about Babalouie's Sports Pub and Grill ... kind of.

Drink One: Vitamin C (bartender's choice) - By far one of my favorite servers EVER, Cher rocked this haven of truckers and hunters like a 10-year-old pre-pubescent girl rocks Justin Beiber on her electric pink iPod shuffle. I use ol' Beiber as an example only because he's fresh on my brain.  As of very recently, I had no idea what or who he was.  I was calling him something like "Jason Bibber," and pleading with ‘tweens to tell me why I was seeing his mug all over T-shirts at Target.

Oh, and Cher's Vitamin C was delicious, of course.  Sometimes I forget this column is about drinking - which is ironic seeing as how it's the drinking that causes my loss of memory.

Drink Two: Washington Apple (most popular drink within last hour) - Hmmm. Wasn't this the most popular drink last week at Corner Bar as well?  I see a trend developing. 

Drink Three: Cosmopolitan (my choice) - I channeled my inner whore and had a cosmopolitan. Before the hate mail comes in: No, I'm not calling cosmo drinkers whores. Cosmos remind me of Sex and the City, which in turn reminds me of how the cast made it socially acceptable to be a whore.  And really, I should give credit by saying they went one step further and made it socially acceptable to be a whore and be over the age of 50. 

Babalouie's Sports Pub and Grill

20833 Hwy 410 East
Bonney Lake