3 DRINK MINIMUM: Surreal Ultra Lounge

Milk and butterflies

By Steph DeRosa on May 19, 2010

My all-time favorite girl's name ever is Genesis.  Coincidentally, our bartender for this week's Three Drink Minimum is also named Genesis.  I only know of one other female named Genesis and she is an amazing soul.

The original Genesis I know has a constant swirl of butterflies around her, with traces of rainbow colors that ooze from her with every spoken word.  She's amazing, like family to me, and can do no wrong.

The Genesis at Surreal Ultra Lounge?  Well, she certainly had a lot to live up to. Would she impress me like the original Genesis did?  Would she exude rainbows with her words, or lightening bolts of torture?  It all depended. 

Depended on what three drinks she handed me, of course.

Drink One: Surreal Kiss (bartender's choice) - Think strawberry milk. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I hate milk.  Let me point out for the millionth time humans are the only mammals that still drink milk after our first year of life.  Better yet - it's another mammal's milk. GROSS. 

Of course, with ingredients aside from the milky cream - like Bushmills and Tequila Rose - I was willing to give the Surreal Kiss a try.  One sip in and I gave it to Bandito Betty.  She loved the drink, but consider this:  That girl will drink anything, even milk from another animal.  Ewwww.

Drink Two: Spicy Lover (most popular drink within last hour) - Oh yeah, baby!  I love it spicy.  Cuervo Tradicional, Cointreau, lemons, limes, cilantro, and Tabasco made me drool just reading the menu.  Genesis redeemed herself from that nasty milk concoction by sliding me the perfect ensemble of liquor - straight up in a martini glass.  It was daring, yet lady-like. Just like me.

Shut up.  Just because I fart in public doesn't mean I can't be a lady at times.

Drink Three: Mocha Mojito (my choice) - I admit, as much as I loathe milk, this drink was pretty damn good.  Whoever thought to muddle coffee beans with mint, throw in some Captain Morgan's, Kahlua, and chocolate syrup is pure genius. 

Genesis, after the last couple of drinks I have to say - you definitely had butterflies swirling around you.  Nice job. - Steph DeRosa

[Surreal Ultra Lounge, 728 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, 253.722.54893]