3 DRINK MINIMUM: Villa Café and Imbibery

Gulps of shaken blood orange juice and Dewar's scotch

By Steph DeRosa on March 14, 2010

What the hell is an "imbibery"?  Google, my third best friend ever, tells me to "imbibe" is to either drink something, or to absorb moisture, gas, light or heat.  Thank you, Google - but doesn't one form of imbibing lead to another?  I know for sure after I've had the opportunity to imbibe something alcoholic, my chances of absorbing some sort of moisture (sweat), gas (fart), light (police lights) or heat (police tasers) go up dramatically. 

Fortunately, I only imbibed a few alcoholic treats at Villa Café, and none of the posterior part of that description came into play.  Although, I may or may not have had a little gas later that night - but I'm told that's what happens when you switch to a predominately vegetarian diet. (Damn you, Oscar nominated documentary, Food, Inc.!  You're still squashing my carnivorous instincts.) 

Drink One: Blood and Sand (bartender's choice) - Bartender and co-owner Jason tells me he chose this drink simply for the name.  To me, the name symbolizes murder on a beach.  Sorry, but that's what immediately came to mind.  I guess Jason had subliminal thoughts about me lying on the beach in a bikini, which then led him to thoughts of homicide.  Go figure. 

I numbed the hurt with huge, delicious gulps of shaken blood orange juice and Dewar's scotch.  Ever seen a girl slam a drink down from a martini glass?  Well, now Jason has.

Drink Two: Hahn Estates Pinot Noir (most popular drink within last hour) - As obvious as it is that Jason is repulsed by thoughts of me in anything less than a Burka, he still manages to access the ability to pour me a glass of wine.  Even though this Hahn Estates Pinot Noir is not discounted during happy hour, it still remains delicious enough to become the most popular drink every evening. 

Drink Three: Lavender Lemon Drop (my choice) - I've been around the alcoholic block a few times, imbibing my fair share of lemon drops, and never have I tasted one so simple and fresh.  Key word here is: FRESH.  Fresh lemons, freshly made, and fresh on my lips.  Not too sweet, and just a tad bitter - enough to make you close one eye and happily pucker.

You know the face. It's the one you probably made when you thought of me on the beach in a bikini earlier.

[Villa Café and Imbibery, 1328 Market St., Tacoma, 253.222.4184]