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Swing on in

Happy hour at Olympia’s Swing Wine Bar and Café

GETTING THINGS STARTED: Jake DeBoer pours a red wine to kick off happy hour at Swing Wine Bar and Café. Photo by J.M. Simpson

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Recently, I called up my lovely ex, a legislative assistant and political insider who I remain on good terms with. She's a fiery, sassy mess, and we made for a good duo at one point, but now we saunter our separate paths through the same halls of power both just searching for some good times and a few honest answers - me, writing about the legislature for the Weekly Volcano, her working within the machine. 

Careful to avoid mentioning our tumultuous past, we decided to meet up at the pristine villa known as Swing, about halfway up the Columbia Street hill.  Its incredible view of Capital Lake, Budd Inlet and, on a clear and sunny spring day, the Olympic Mountain range makes for a stellar atmosphere in which to imbibe spectacular drinks and superior traditional rustic delicacies.  Waiting for her arrival, I perused the amazing happy hour menu, whose prices were just right for a rambling member of the press corps and his pauper salary.

The "Lush Rush," as it's known, runs from 4 to 6 p.m. at Swing and offers a wide array of flavors in a few drink specials - not to mention a limited, but exquisitely so, appetizer menu.  Choosing the rotating Dick's Brewery 22-ounce beer, which happened to be the robust Best Bitter, I had quite a time choosing a $5 appetizer to go with it. The options included white cheddar and Gouda fondue, sweet and spicy prawns, and a mini caprese stack of fresh mozzarella, basil and tomatoes. I chose the mix of imported olives, being as I love nothing more than to walk into a Safeway and plunge my hand into the olive bins and gather a handful to snack on as I look for TP and Top Ramen. The olive plate came with a garnish of oil-soaked almonds, whose spicy seasoning was so wonderful I found myself sopping it up with the presentation bedding of spring mixed greens.

The bartender, to whom I'm going to lovingly refer as Big Bad Brad, recounted his entry into a whiskey mixing competition in Seattle last month; he placed second.  "It's a Japanese whiskey that you can't get down here," he said, noting that whiskey selection makes all the difference in a well-crafted cocktail.

Needless to say, after a fine selection of hand-designed cocktails, including a couple of smashingly good rum specials designed as a Haiti benefit, an artisan cheese plate of international fares paired with fruit and nuts, perfectly baked fresh bread and a few samples of Swing's impressive wine selection, I was more than happy to respond laughingly to Jay, the evening bartender and self-proclaimed "wine guy," and his tongue-in-cheek retort to our table's good-natured, passive aggressive Olympia-style barbs.

"Are you guys married or what?"

No sir, Jay the Wine Guy, but that's why we broke up and still like to hang out - because we're both emotional masochists with spotty Catholic school backgrounds.

As for Swing, if I ever become the marrying type this would be just the kind of place where you could show a gal a good time.

[Swing Wine Bar & Café, 825 Columbia Street SW, Olympia, 360.357.9464]]

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